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I wanted to create an organic vegetable garden for the kids to tend to, with the hopes that they would also EAT more fruits and vegetables.  🙂 We had an existing bed along this wall, which receives sunlight most of the day.  I removed the existing plants, my handyman built the raised bed with untreated

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In December we went in for our yearly flu vaccinations at the pediatrician’s office.  Even though I don’t like getting these shots, it seemed that the benefits outweighed the risks – especially with my four-year old twins in preschool.  As you all know, preschool is like a petrie dish, especially in the winter time when

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I made this calendar after my four-year-old twins kept asking me what we were doing today. “Do we go to school today?” “Is it pancake Sunday?” “Can we go to the train today?” The calendar is an eraser-board with the seven days of the week, and square 1″ magnets that I attached images on. The

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